Your first SQL Website

Let's create your first website in SQL together, from downloading SQLPage to connecting it to your database, to making a web app
Download SQLPage
Your first SQL Website

Download SQLPage: the SQL website framework

SQLPage is a small executable file that will take requests to your website, execute the SQL files you write, and render the database responses as nice web pages.

Download the latest SQLPage for your operating system. In the release assets section, you will find files named, sqlpage-linux.tgz, and sqlpage-macos.tgz. Download the one that corresponds to your operating system, and extract the executable file from the archive.

Note: On Mac OS, Apple blocks the execution of downloaded files by default. The easiest way to run SQLPage is to use Homebrew.

Note: Advanced users can alternatively install SQLPage using:

  • docker (docker images are also available for ARM, making it easy to run SQLPage on a Raspberry Pi, for example),
  • brew (the easiest way to install SQLPage on Mac OS),
  • nix (declarative package management for reproducible deployments),
  • scoop (a command-line installer for Windows),
  • or cargo (the Rust package manager).

You can also find the source code of SQLPage on GitHub, install rust on your computer, and compile it yourself with cargo install sqlpage.

See the instructions for MacOS, or for Windows.

Building your website locally

Create a folder on your computer where you will store all contents related to your sql website. In the rest of this tutorial, we will call this folder the root folder of your website.

Open the file you downloaded above, and place sqlpage.bin (if you are on linux or Mac OS) or sqlpage.exe at the root of the folder.

Then launch the sqlpage.bin executable file you just downloaded in a terminal from this folder.

screenshot for the sql website setup

You should see a message in your terminal that includes the sentence accessible from the network, and locally on http://localhost:8080

You can open your website locally by visiting http://localhost:8080

Your website’s first SQL file

In the root folder of your SQLPage website, create a new SQL file called index.sql. Open it in a text editor that supports SQL syntax highlighting (I recommend VSCode).

The index.sql file will be executed every time a visitor opens your website's home page. You can use it to retrieve data from your database and define how it should be displayed to your visitors.

As an example, let's start with a simple index.sql that displays a list of popular websites:

SELECT 'list' AS component, 'Popular websites' AS title;

SELECT 'Hello' AS title, 'world' AS description, '' AS link;

The first line of the file defines the component that will be used to display the data, and properties of that component. In this case, we use the list component to display a list of items. The second line defines the data that will populate the component. All the components you can use and their properties are documented in SQLPage's online documentation.

Your database schema

If you already have a database populated with data, or if you intend to use other tools to manage your database structure, you can skip this section.

The database schema for your SQLPage website can be defined using SQL scripts located in the sqlpage/migrations subdirectory of your website's root folder.

For our first website, let's create a file located in sqlpage/migrations/0001_create_users_table.sql with the following contents:

    name TEXT NOT NULL

If you need to quickly test a database schema and associated queries online, before making any change to your database, I can recommend (which actually also works with Postgres, MySQL, and SQL Server).

Please read our introduction to database migrations to learn how to maintain your database schema in the long term.

Note: The migration system is not supported on Microsoft SQL Server databases. If you are using a SQL Server database, you should create your tables using a different tool, such as SQL Server Management Studio.

Connect to a custom database

By default, SQLPage uses a SQLite database stored in a file named sqlpage.db in the sqlpage configuration folder. You can change this by creating a file named sqlpage.json in a folder called sqlpage. So, if your website's root folder is /my_website, you should create a file at /my_website/sqlpage/sqlpage.json.

Here is an example sqlpage.json file:

{ "database_url": "sqlite://:memory:" }

This will tell SQLPage to use an in-memory SQLite database instead of the default file-based database. While this means all changes to the database will be lost when you stop the SQLPage server, it's useful for quickly testing and iterating on your database schema. If you then deploy your website online using a service like, it will automatically use a persisted database instead.

Later, when you want to deploy your website online, you can switch back to a persisted database like

If user or password contains special characters, you should percent-encode them. For instance, a SQL Server database named db running on localhost port 1433 with the username funny:user and the password p@ssw0rd would be represented as mssql://funny%3Auser:p%40ssw0rd@localhost:1433/db. For more information about the properties that can be set in sqlpage.json, see SQLPage's configuration documentation

screenshot for the full sql website folder organisation

Use parameterized SQL queries to let users interact with your database

Displaying a form

Let’s create a form to let our users insert data into our database. Add the following code to your index.sql file:

SELECT 'form' AS component, 'Add a user' AS title;
SELECT 'Username' as name, TRUE as required;

The snippet above uses the form component to display a form on your website.

Handling form submission

Nothing happens when you submit the form at the moment. Let’s fix that. Add the following below the previous code:

INSERT INTO users (name)
SELECT :Username

The snippet above uses an INSERT INTO SELECT SQL statement to safely insert a new row into the users table when the form is submitted. It uses a WHERE clause to make sure that the INSERT statement is only executed when the :Username parameter is present. The :Username parameter is set to NULL when you initially load the page, and then SQLPage automatically sets it to the value from the text field when the user submits the form.


There are two types of parameters you can use in your SQL queries:

  • URL parameters like $ParameterName. If you add ?x=1&y=2 to the end of the URL of your page, $x will be set to the string '1' and $y will be set to the string '2'. This is useful to create links with parameters. For instance, if you have a database of products, you can create a link to a product page with the URL product.sql?product_id=12. Then, in the product.sql file, you can use the $product_id variable to get the product with the corresponding ID from your database. URL parameters are also sometimes called query parameters, or GET parameters.
  • Form parameters like :ParameterName. They refer to the value of the field with the corresponding name entered by the user in a form. If no form was submitted, it is set to NULL. Form parameters are also sometimes called POST parameters.

Note: Currently, if a $parameter is not present in the URL, it is first looked for in the form parameters. If it is not found there either, it is set to NULL. Please do not rely on this behavior, as it may change in the future.

You can also set parameters yourself at any point in your SQL files in order to reuse their value in several places, using the SET ParameterName = value syntax. For instance, we could use the following code to save the username in uppercase:

SET Username = UPPER(:Username);
INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ($Username);

Displaying data from our database

Now, users are present in our database, but we can’t see them. Let’s see how to use data from our database to populate a list component, in order to display the list of users.

Add the following code to your index.sql file:

SELECT 'list' AS component, 'Users' AS title;
SELECT name AS title,  CONCAT(name, ' is a user on this website.') as description FROM users;

Your first SQLPage website is ready!

You can view the full source code for this example on Github

Here is a screenshot of the final result:

final result

To go further, have a look at the examples section of our Github repository.

Deploy your SQLPage website online


To deploy your SQLPage website online, the easiest way is to use, a managed hosting service for SQLPage websites maintained by the same people who develop SQLPage. Just create an account, and follow the instructions to upload your website to our servers. It will be live in seconds!


If you prefer to host your website yourself, you can use a cloud provider or a VPS provider. You will need to:

  • Configure domain name resolution to point to your server
  • Open the port you are using (8080 by default) in your server's firewall
  • Setup docker or another process manager such as systemd to start SQLPage automatically when your server boots and to keep it running
  • Optionnally, setup a reverse proxy to avoid exposing SQLPage directly to the internet
  • Optionnally, setup a TLS certificate to enable HTTPS
  • Configure connection to a cloud database or a database running on your server in sqlpage.json

Go further

  • Check out by Nick Antonaccio for an in-depth tutorial with many examples
  • Read the SQLPage documentation to learn about all the components available in SQLPage
  • Join the SQLPage community to ask questions and share your projects
  • If you like videos better, check this series that shows how to build and deploy your app from scratch SQLPage on Youtube